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Gem Essences and Elixirs

Gem essences and gem elixirs are a very precious old form of medicine that is tremendously helpful for aiding us in grounding new expressions and energies in our lives. They serve to help us to re-establish our psychological and physical boundaries and are greatly stabilizing in times of increased stress. Like the flower and plant realm, the mineral kingdom is vast and is well worth the time spent exploring its archetypal possibilities as we seek to evolve and maintain good health.

During the gem essence production, natural electro-magnetic and chemical information contained in the crystals is transferred into the liquid. Similarly, as mineral water contains naturally dissolved minerals which can heal, gem essence contains minute electro-magnetic particulates that can trigger healing. The mixture is then fixed by the addition of 40% vol (80% proof) alcohol which serves to act as an ideal preservative.

Gem Essence and Elixir Production

To make gem essences, first soak the gemstone on just one special day in pure water. This day is the day and night of a full moon. The morning after, place the stones and charged water in 40 vol, 80% proof alcohol to preserve the mother essence. After bottling, the essence containing crystal particulates becomes of medicinal value .

Dosage varies, but we recommend that 2 drops are taken x 2 daily unless otherwise advised.  

To make elixirs, combine several of the essences in one bottle eg a combination of ameythist and quartz. 

Some suggestions for use:

  • Rose quartz essence for emotional hurt and upset.
  • Amethyst essence for insomnia, grief or depression.
  • Ruby essence for promoting vigour, passion, enhanced libido and joy.
  • Aventuring essence where courage is needed to achieve fulfilment in life.
  • Smoky quartz essence for stress relief and strength during difficult times.
  • Clear quartz when a strong revitaliser is needed. Clears negative energy.
  • Carnelian for help with fear and digestive problems.
  • Carnelian essence for anxiety and depression. Pain may be eased.

Aragonite: Restorative. Calcium carbonate (orthorhombic, secondary). Used for regulation of growth processes; balancing in cases of too rapid development. Unburening when overly great demands are made on one; inner restlesness and nervousness. For calcium metabolism, muscles, bones, spinal discs, meniscus, digestion, stomach and intestines. Gentle action.  


Amethyst: Crown and brow chakra. Amethyst is a violet quartz crystal that contains traces of iron and manganese and is trigonal. The name of the gemstone is derived from the Greek word ‘amethustos’ which translates to ‘non-inebriated’: This stone’s property, the detoxification of alcohol, was know to the ancients and it is this classical medicinal application of the gemstone that Amethysts were named for. Amethyst stones are cleansing and purifying and make excellent gem elixirs. This can be used universally with all illnesses and disease and may be likened to blood purifier. For meditation can stimulate understanding and intuition, bringing a greater sense of humility. May also be used to overcome fears.  

Spiritual Healing: Amethyst produces a calm, clear and focused mind. It acts upon the crown chakra, enhancing the communication with higher aspects of self and helps to overcome unwanted habits and addictions. Useful for abilitto judge, dealing with sorrow nand conflict.  

Medicinal Healing: Amethyst is indicated for detoxifying the body and as a treatment for alcoholism as well as hypoglycemia. Amethyst takes headaches away and swiftly eases tension headaches and migraine headaches.  

Combination potential: combines well with crystal quartz. 


Quartz: Works on all chakras. The crystal is trigonal. A master healer and can be used for any condition. It stimulates the immune system and helps to bring the body into balance, as well as soothing burns. It harmonizes all the chakras and aligns subtle bodies. It is very effective as an essence. The clear quartz crystal is very powerful and it can revitalise, refresh, balance and fortify the mind, body and spirit.

Spiritual healing: It can be beneficial also after working with people who have put a great drain on one’s resources, for the therapist this can be a great boost. Use when there is a need to get rid of an excess of negative energy or when someone feels extremely fatigued, drained and in need of a tonic.

Combination potential: If this essence is too powerful it can be beneficial to begin by first taking the gentle amethyst essence to cleanse and then build up to taking the clear quartz. This crystal is an excellent protector and the essence can be very useful if going into a situation where there is likely to be conflict or confrontation.


Ruby: Corundum containing chromium (trig, prim./usually tert). Used for passion, joie de vivre, bravery, virtue, courage. Bestows vibrancy, enthusiasm; encourages commitment and performance readiness. Warming and sexually stimulating. Strengthens the spleen, circulation, adrenal glands, reproductive organs; regulates blood pressure; imporoves blood circulation; brings out fevers if necessary. Intense potential. Energizes and balances the 1st chakra and supports the ability to ground spiritual energy into the physical body; works with the lower chakras to awaken higher impersonal love.

NOTE: Stones that are not suitable for making gem essence:

Selenite- water-soluble

Lapis Lazuli – pyrite inclusions are potentially poisonous. Porous.

Turquoise – don’t soak the stone.

Halite - water-soluble.

Amazonite – caution, copper inclusions. Copper is toxic to the body.

Azurite – copper content. Toxic.

Boji stones – sulphur content make them unsuitable.

Chalcopyrite (peacock stone) – copper & sulphur. Potentially toxic

Chrysocolla – copper content.

Cuprite – copper content.

Dioptase – copper content.

Hematite – will rust in liquid

Pyrite – potentially toxic

Wulfenite – lead content, potentially toxic

Warning: Take care not to use lead crystal or crystals made up of ground glass. As well as lead poisoning, conditions such as anemia can develop from lead toxticity.

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